Many people, even some raised in devoted Catholic families, somehow did not receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The reasons vary considerably. Some people were prepared as teens, then missed the ceremony because of a family crisis or another compelling event. Some attended Religious Education only to stop going prior to the year for Confirmation.
Catholics may be confirmed at any time as long as they are prepared adequately. Depending on one’s education and experience, completing the necessary tasks for Confirmation can require only a few private meetings with one of our Faith Formation volunteers. Upon delegation from the Bishop, they may receive the Sacrament at most any time, typically during a regularly scheduled Mass.
People who have been baptized with water in the name of the Blessed Trinity, whether in a Catholic Church or in another Christian setting, and received no subsequent religious education, typically participate in the approximate seven-month process known as RCIA or OCIA. More information about that exists under the BELIEVE tab on this website.